Sunday, June 26, 2011

Angry Birds! :)

Just wanted to plug for my friends over at my school who sell these AWESOME shirts! :D

Angry Birds shirts FOR SALE! Each shirt costs P180, but they only require P70 downpayment and you can pay the rest when you claim your shirt!

Check this page for info and a good look on the designs :)
Mashin' Shop

Buy one NOW! :D

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Amazement of Controller-Free Gaming

I was surprised as I walked around SM today, and saw this setup of an Xbox 360 with Kinect (of course, with a TV). Their event was called "Dad Has I.T.!" and the reaction of the people passing by was great! There were people who actually made an effort to dance their heart out since with the Kinect, you can play games with only human gestures, which is the reason why people are amazed by what's happening there.

Hopefully after this event, people will come to know the power of this wonderful technology that is one of those that transcends technology itself. ^^

Kudos to Microsoft. :D

This guy's cooooool.

Seriously, he's really coooooooool.

Year Three, Week One...

Wow, another year. I couldn't believe it, but YES I'm already in my third year as a CS major. The feeling that I'm so close to real life is really really awkward. I didn't know that I would already come to this point in my life. The differences between last year and now is I'm carrying a lot of responsibilities now. Studies, the organization, and the future: these are a lot to think about these days.

I don't know if I'm ready to face the future, but I know that with my friends, I have the confidence to do it.

I just hope I get some time to relax a bit because I don't want the stress to get to me. Life shouldn't be that mean, you know.

'Nuff said.