Saturday, April 28, 2012

Week 1: The Test Run

From now on, I will post something on the end of the work week because I wanna sum up my experiences of being an on-the-job trainee.

Here we go...

Days before I started, I already started feeling nervous about how I would face this new challenge that lied ahead. It felt creepy...

...until the time I started getting comfortable with the workplace. It's just in school actually, so going to work feels like taking summer classes (which I find no use for, to me) and I can't get over that, even at this very moment. LOL to that.

During each day, each of us gets 2 snacks and 2 servings of drinks. Honestly, it was satisfying because it felt soothing while getting our brains overloaded with information. The best part was we got to choose which snacks we want! (although we were only limited to biscuits, which was okay with me) I realized that I wasn't used to staring at a computer screen for 5 hours straight for a very long time, mostly because I committed to NOT stay in front of one for that long unless it was really urgent or I am utterly bored. 

The thing is, I find myself being more enthusiastic than I was before I started. Even though I still feel parts of me being a bit lazy because of adjusting, I know that I can do something productive here.

I hope that next week would be the start of serious business. For now, this is it.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Saving Jessica Sanchez: SMART Judges, RELAXED Fans


There are things that should be considered when having these talent competitions: I personally think that the judges SHOULD have a say. WHY? Because of what happened with Jessica Sanchez.

On American Idol, shocking news happened when the lowest number of votes were from Jessica. As you watch the video above, you will notice that after the announcement was made, people were surprised as to what turned out. She's one of the assumed frontrunners of Season 11 and this is what happened to her?

I think this is a matter of the right choices. You don't just vote for the person with the looks, or voice alone. It must be the WHOLE PACKAGE! And it's not just Jessica, even Joshua Ledet, another frontrunner, shared the same fate in the Bottom 3 (although he is safe). I just hope that the fans willingly vote for their favorites seriously because I don't want this to happen AGAIN.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Growth of Instagram

Oh, Instagram.

Last I checked, this photo-sharing app is widely popular amongst the iOS community and is 30 million strong, despite being exclusive to one OS. After more than a week, it's become one of the most popular startups made in history.

Here's what happened:

Instagram for Android

Last week, Instagram released the app in Google Play. This was one of the biggest releases that Android has ever had. Reviewers say that it has carried over most of what iOS users experience over to the green robot's version, and apparently the users rejoiced. In under a day of availability, 1 million of the Android horde downloaded this! I thought this was amazing already! Until...

Facebook buys Instagram for $1B

When I woke up this morning, I checked my Twitter feed and read that same phrase. At first, I like "WHAAT? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Is Facebook gonna ruin the experience that I have known and loved for months? IS IT THE END OF INSTAGRAM?" Then, I read EVERY SINGLE ARTICLE there is on this topic. Here, I came to realize a few things:

Facebook's keeping Instagram alive

I know, I know, I was one of the skeptics. After reading Mark Zuckerberg's post, he said that they are "committed to building and growing Instagram independently". Usually, I would say that this would eventually change, and Instagram would go away, but I have faith that Facebook would maintain this very vibrant photo-sharing app and make it more powerful due to Facebook's infrastructure.

This MAY solve Facebook's problem with Mobile

I have to admit, Facebook's mobile app and website SUCKS. Although the team redesigned them, it's still LIMITED and functions poorly compared to the website. I could even do MORE there than on my iPod touch. The purchase of Instagram may help solve that and will possibly make Facebook put out a WAY BETTER mobile app and site for us users to enjoy. I honestly hope this happens.

Just when I thought this was already too big to consume,

Android app hitting 5M downloads in 6 days

This is just MIND-BOGGLING. I have never found an app that's more widespread than this. IT'S AMAZING that the scale of this is unheard of. This reassures Facebook that Instagram will grow, surprisingly at a tremendous rate.

I say this: CONGRATULATIONS to Kevin Systrom and his team for the success they have with Instagram and I sincerely hope you won't let Facebook ruin the experience we all love.

If you haven't downloaded this, here's the link:

Fare thee well, Instagram.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Selfless Plugs: Ella's Diaries

Here I am, putting up another plug for my friend here. ^^

Read her blog, it's a set of stories on what she's doing and how she's dealing with it. Hope you guys will like it. ^_^

Link is HERE. Thanks guys!

Instagram for Android? I'm Okay With It!

Source: Instagram
After a month or so waiting for this, it's finally here! :D Instagram on Android!

A lot of apps are already ported to Android, with the recent one being Temple Run (one of my favorite iOS apps to date). It's no surprise to me that Burbn went on and did this. I am an iOS user, and I enjoy this app when I can, but it's good to see this finally on the green side.

According to what I've read and watched, Instagram for Android has brought the same experience that iPhone users have come to know and love. The founder of Instagram, Kevin Systrom, claimed that the Android app "is sometimes better than our iOS app, it's crazy". I have yet to really test what it can do, so I hope it would feel like the same experience as I have from my iOS device.

Now on to the main issue, I've seen so many tweets and posts on how iPhone users are disgusted or pissed at the fact that Android users have Instagram because it is referred as "inferior product". I really think they're OVERREACTING. Although I'm part of the "walled garden", I really don't like this issue and I sincerely hope this would go away QUICKLY.

To all Android users who downloaded this, I sincerely welcome y'all to Instagram and hopefully like it as we have for nearly 2 years. ^_^