“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.”
- Steve Jobs (Stanford Commencement Exercises, June 2005)
I gotta say, I can relate to that quote above because I realized that everything that happened to me in the past helped shape me to who I am today. All those actions, whether good or bad, had led me to this. A lot has happened over that decade as all the changes in my life happened there. Also within those past ten years is the roller coaster ride in high school and college.
I am very happy to be a graduate of Cebu City National Science High School because all the life lessons I missed out during my first decade of existence. It's insane. The spirit of not giving up was built through the Scouting experiences I had. The talents I had also flourished when I was part of the Glee Club. All the bonds I had during high school were strong and most of them still hold up to this day. Thanks batchmates for the one of the best experiences I had!
Then, there was this insight I had during my last year in high school that programming is the path I've chosen because of this unusual interest in it. It felt weird at first, but I realized that this is it. So I wanted to take BSIT for college, but during the enrollment phase, the "woman over there" convinced me to take BS Computer Science. And since my laziness activated during 4th year high school, I went to the University of San Carlos.
I never thought that this chapter of my life would bring about more change to my life. Right now, I realized how stupid I was in terms of the matters of love. I also realized that all those experiences in Datalogics Society was amazing. I love those tough times and fun experiences and hopefully the friendships made during that time will last for a LONG time.
To all the people that have been with me through the 2nd decade of my life, THANK YOU VERY MUCH for the friendship and I hope it'll last through the next decade and beyond! I love you all and I will forever be grateful. :D