Tuesday, June 12, 2012

2: The Decision

(As we approach the end, read the back story of "Final Days of Summer". It should help you give answers to the reasons such as why there's a number in the title. Come on, guys. Read it! Haha.)

As I started my day, I had a question in my mind that actually dates back from the end of last semester:

Can I actually survive the final year?

I got really confused right until that very moment. By the way, this post has a symbolic connection with the picture. That was taken last weekend when I was experiencing that crimson Saturday and another food trip.

Back to the topic, I knew that I would get my answer at the end of the day. So as usual, I spent this day in the office pondering on this question. While I was there, I was creating a document for what I did so that other people will be able to replicate what I did in the office. Hopefully, it will work smoothly as I finish it by the deadline. I try to sway away from thinking about this but then it came to me.

How did I get to this point anyway? Didn't I learn to survive every single hardship I've faced? I remember the motto from Don Bosco: ARDUA NON TIMEO, which translates to I Fear No Hardships. I survived through Science High. I made it through three years in college. What's the point of being afraid now?

When the day ended, our boss asked if I'll continue on with the on-the-job training or not. I told him that I'd have my decision by Wednesday. So, for the answer to that question above:

2 days left. The fun days come to an end.

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