Monday, March 24, 2014

A Letter to Me a Year Ago

It's been a while since I've done a blog post. I've needed that time off for a long time and it was for the best. A lot of things have happened to me over the course of more than 2 months.

Since this is my first post of 2014, I thought I'd start it with sort of a look back post on what I've done since I've graduated from college. I'm gonna do it like I'm writing a letter to the me a year ago. Here we go:


Dear Me,

Congrats on graduating college! I'm writing this because I wanted to let you know how you'll be a year after you graduate. As you already know, you were hired almost a month ago. Don't be intimidated on what comes your way because just being yourself could bring out the positivity in other people.

Work's kinda like school, except that competition and teamwork are like the core focuses. You would want to be ahead of the others and also help out in the growth of the company. You will meet new people (and maybe some familiar faces too). Some of them may leave when you least expect it. Others will be your guide as you discover yourself more through your work. Just remember to always have fun in what you do.

The people close to you change from time to time due to their ever-shrinking amount of time available. Make sure that you make the most out of the time you spend together.

Never forget that family is always there whenever things go wrong in all aspects of your life. They have always been there to support you. Don't push them away.

Never be afraid to love. You may encounter a person who has loved countless times to a point that standards have already been set. You shouldn't put all the blame on her because she already knows what she wants. Just forgive and move on. Who knows? Someone migjt just be around the corner to surprise you and give all the love that you deserve.

Lastly, always say thank you to the Lord God. He is always there through your ups and downs. Never ever forget to pray to Him.

Enjoy the next chapter of your life. I know I did.

Best Regards,
Me, 1 Year Later

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