Thursday, April 7, 2011

Yellow Cab is ♥.

It's good to be with people, not because they're good, but because they see the good and bad in you. :)
I really enjoyed the day when we hung out after that stressful 1st set of distribution of papers. It's so nice to relax after that VERY VERY stressful semester full of assignments and TESTS! I never expected I would still be me though. If it weren't for the teamwork in our block, we couldn't have gone past this nightmare of a semester. After all that jazz, some of us went to Yellow Cab in Banilad Town Center last Friday in order to celebrate. Smiles were emanating from that place when we were there. We laughed about random things. I just loved him. Hopefully those moments in the computer playing Counter-Strike after that food trip was fun. ^^

I ♥ BSCSMA. ^_^

1 comment:

  1. ganahan jud ko aning adlawa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
