Sunday, September 22, 2013

PC Free..

(In case anyone asks, the speaker above my phone is the JBL Micro Wireless. It has Bluetooth to connect to devices. You can buy

Earlier in the week, I used both my phones instead of my laptop. She had her own laptop but it was broken because the SSD (solid-state drive) stopped working. Being the good brother that I am, I allowed her to use my laptop for her school works. During those days, all I used was my iPhone and my Android phone. I wanna share my experience being PC Free, even for just a few days.

Back in the day, it would be hard for me to do anything without my laptop. I needed it to listen to music, check Facebook and Twitter, post to my blog, and do school work. Nowadays, the smartphone replaced my laptop for most of these tasks. I am able to check my Facebook and Twitter even when I'm in the office, and I am already able to post to my blog from it. A smartphone is one of the best examples of portable gaming (sorry Nintendo and Sony, smartphones are eating up your lunch) and is the best way to pass the time when you're waiting for anything.

With that in mind, I watched a few episodes of Legends of the Hidden Temple in YouTube on my Android phone. One thing I love about Android is that Google services work very well with it. Google may have iOS apps but the integration just isn't there. Too bad Android doesn't have a lot of games going for it and that's why I always turn to the iPhone.

Tech speak aside, I think there are still some things that the smartphone cannot replace such as using productivity software like Office, but tablets may have a chance at this one. Still, I feel that I can do more work with a laptop. If I were asked what the PC will be in a Post-PC era, I would say that the future of the PC is more in the laptop.

Whether you agree with me or not, smartphones have already made a huge impact in our lives and I don't think any wearable technology can beat the innovation that happened in smartphones.

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