Monday, January 10, 2011

Do You Still Read A Book?

I never really read books much before. They keep on boring me to who knows what. There were a lot of things I realized a lot of things while reading my File Organization book because I had to read it for purposes of understanding the topic that my group and I will report to class. Anyway, back to books.

Lately, when most of us would want to look for information about a certain issue or research about a topic for a report, we would usually go to the internet to search for it and POOF, there it is. Whenever we stare at a book, we tend to get too lazy especially if the report is made the night before the assigned day. I say that we shouldn't make internet a very reliable resource because most of them aren't really verified. Books have so many information that the internet may have missed despite the updates they put in their source. They may be old, but no school is better than old school. ^^

So, try reading a book and maybe learn something new once in a while.

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