Wednesday, June 13, 2012

1: Indie Strolling

(This is the second to the last post of the "Final Days of Summer" series. You may have missed a lot of stuff. Read the back story and the other posts HERE to peer into my mind for this past week. Also, I updated the blog so that you would be seeing bigger pictures from now on. Yay? Haha.

Hmm. What to do on a holiday before classes start? Well, I didn't do much, really. I actually forgot to post something here in my blog about this year's WWDC from Apple. As you may have known, I am fond of Apple products lately (though I still use a Nokia phone and a Windows laptop because it's more useful in our field) and I always want to see what's new in their "walled garden", as people call it. I will be posting them soon though, because I got lots to say.

Anyway, as I said I didn't really do much. I finally went back to the gym after a week of not going. I usually go every Saturday but you know what happened last Saturday, right? I am finally able to get back to my regular routine when classes begin, so hopefully I could get into shape (FOR REAL).

In the afternoon, I got a haircut because I was a bit annoyed by the hair touching my ears. While I was in the barbershop, there was a parade going on. It was for the celebration of the 114th Year of Philippine Independence from the Spaniards. I clearly stated that because the Philippines went through three colonizations before we were actually free from anyone. First, the Spaniards, next were the Americans, then came the Japanese. Then we were left to our own on the 4th of July, 1946, which became the Philippine-American Friendship Day. I guess that the lawmakers saw that the independence in June 12, 1898 has more meaning. It has been like that ever since. It's nice to see us celebrating it despite the problems this country has faced recently.

After the haircut, I went to Ayala to have picture-taking of myself for a requirement in school which is a 2x2 picture. Nothing much to talk about there. After that, I was searching for the Samsung Galaxy S III. Despite my initial reactions, I wanted to try it out to see if it's worth it. When I got to the Samsung store, I tried it out.

It's actually not bad. It's okay with my hand, but I don't think anyone can just use this with one hand. The phone is zippy. It feels comfortable in the hand. I gotta say, anyone who says that Samsung oversells features is true. Still, there will be people who'll have this learning curve before being comfortable with Android even with Ice Cream Sandwich.

After that, I got the printed 2x2 pictures from Picture City, and I went home. Thinking about the 1st day made me wonder a lot though. Hopefully, I won't falter because of those things.

Summer's over. Back to reality. Oh well.

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